
Tips for Better Storage and Brewing

Tips for Better Storage and Brewing

Store Beans in an Airtight, Opaque Container (No Fridge or Freezer!)
Light and oxygen are enemies of fresh coffee. Both will steal flavor. Storing your coffee beans in an airtight, opaque container keeps your coffee at its freshest.

At home you might use something as low-tech as the bag that the coffee comes in and put it in a zip-lock bag. Or you might use the kind of airtight container you would use for flour or sugar.

Start with Filtered Water
Coffee is comprised of approximately 80% water. If you don’t like the taste of your water, you won’t like the taste of your coffee.

Use the Right Equipment
A low-tech device like a French press or a pour-through brewer will give you the best flavor. Both use very hot water and provide great flavor extraction.

Use the Proper Grind for Your Brewing Equipment
If you’re not sure what the right grind is, let us grind it for you at the shop.

Use the Right Ratio of Coffee to Water
Using 1 tablespoon ground coffee per 4 ounces of water is best.

Don’t Leave Coffee on the Burner
Do not leave coffee on a burner—it will burn! Immediately consume your brewed coffee or put it into an air-tight thermos of some type to preserve freshness without adding heat.

Tag : thecommonplacecoffeehouse.com