
How To Backflush A Traditional Espresso Machine

How To Backflush A Traditional Espresso Machine

1. Fit your rubber blanking disc (or blind filter basket) into a filter handle, ensuring that you remove the filter itself first.

2. Add one heaped tablespoon of cleaning powder (we recommend Nuova Ricambi Clean Express) into the handle and place in the machine as if you were about to make a coffee.

3. Press the single coffee button as you would if you were making a coffee. Count to ten and repeat this three times (in some machines you may see froth coming from the bottom of the group head via the exhaust tube, on others where this part is internal you will see nothing).

4. Then remove the filter handle and gently clean the group seal using a circular motion with the group head cleaning brush.

5. Finally, flush until clean with water by running the continuous flow button.

6. This should be repeated for each group head.

Tag : caffesociety.co.uk